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details of this bvn number 22160406201

 Here are the top results:

BVN Scam is not about BVN

A lot of legitimate organizations ask for BVN but a lot of people are panicky because of the Notorious BVN scams. Now heres what you need to know about BVN

Blog Post


This is why I send promotional messages to my friends

My friends regularly hear from me. Some may wonder why I never stop sending messages. BCs, promoted messages and adverts here and there. That's how we keep business running. 



How to Help a Friend (in this century)

Do we really need a tutorial on how to help a friend? Well, let's go through this and see if it helps us become more friendly and also beneficial to people around us. Make a list of your frie...



Tales of the writer’s father

Every morning in my father’s house was like judgement day - you wake up to loud bell ringing, a signal that everyone under the roof must converge at the living room for the morning devotion. ...

Blog Post


Know the Classification of IT Career Paths

So I’ve received a number of requests on my DM asking what career options to go for in the IT industry. Beyond passion and what we know, some education is needed to help guide us in the right...

Blog Post


Composition of a winning promotional content

Whether it's an advertisement, public statement or any other write-ups you would be making for your business, the motive is to get as much audience as possible.



What does a great CV mean?

When it comes to landings your dream job, your CV is an important factor to look into. Get it right, and you’ll have an interview in no time, but get it wrong, and you may not be getting the ...

Blog Post


Embracing Innovation and Great Discovery through Acknowledgement of Originators in Nigeria [+ PowerPoint Presentation]

I think I know why most Nigerians find it hard to acknowledge the true owner of content. Same reasons they are hardly innovative; yet they seek inventions. You have stayed long enough in a society ...



10 attitudes you need to cultivate to run business with a peace of mind

Now here's my Christmas gift to you; 10 guaranteed ways of lowering your blood pressure while your bank account swells up. Don't miss any single one of it.



Ayoola Falola will speak about "Living in a world of tech" at the Salt & Light Camp 2019

Salt 'N' Light Camp is a unique 7 days teenage camp usually filled with fun, fellowship and creative expressions. The event is organized by Olive Tenders, a faith-based organization lo...



The principles of blowing one's own trumpet (Review of Public Opinion)

While going developing an article on "writing proposals and CVs". A question came up about if its right to blow one's own trumpet. Is it a good practice to always speak good about oneself? If yes, ...



“Yahoo Yahoo” and the Situation of Cybercrime in Nigeria

Watch this exclusive interview where Ayoola Falola, a leading cyber security expert in Nigeria bare his opinion on the situation of Cybercrime menace in Nigeria. 



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Meet Ayoola Falola

Ayoola is a leading cybersecurity expert in Nigeria. He started out as a website developer in 2002 but today, he runs - an outfit that provides top-notch website development, online marketing and general marketing materials for businesses.

Meet Ayoola Falola

Ayoola is a leading cybersecurity expert in Nigeria. He started out as a website developer in 2002 but today, he runs - an outfit that provides top-notch website development, online marketing and general marketing materials for businesses.